Tickets by Donation for STCO Concerts

For this concert, tickets are simply by donation!

Please make your donation here or at the door when you come

Tap and Pay card facilities will be available and cash is welcome!

Simply select the amounts you wish to donate or enter the amount you wish to donate into the "Your Price" widow in the bottom option, then click the "Add to Cart" button to enter your donation amount into your shopping cart, your shopping cart will then come into view and you can add more or process your kind donation through PayPal or with the secure card payment facility.

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Donate $5 AUD
Donate $10 AUD
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Donate $15 AUD
Donate $15 AUD
Donate $20 AUD
Donate $20 AUD
Donate a Special Amount to STCO
Thank you for your kind donation. Your funds will contribute greatly to the STCO and assist with the purchase of music, valuable equipment, encouraging local players and Australian composers too! Your community is much richer with music encouraged by you!

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